Why do I need a college recruiting video?
You do well at your games? You feel you are better than "John Doe or Jane Doe" who's already committed? No communication with college coaches? You play HS baseball, travel ball and go to showcases, but nothing? A big misconception for athletes and parents is that they think by playing High School baseball, summer tournaments and going to showcases should be enough to get noticed by college recruiters, but the percentages are very small. The majority of college commitments besides "inside connections" begin with an email and a recruiting video that gets to the hands of the college recruiter whose next step is to come and evaluate athletes at their games. Therefore, a good video demonstrating your skill set is a great introduction to invite college recruiters to come see you. Most of the time college recruiters at games have already some sort of communication with the players they are there to watch so putting yourself on the map directly with coaches is a key process to athlete's recruiting.
What age or grade is a good time to do a recruiting video?
Depends on the athlete's skill set. Obviously the earlier is done, the faster you can start sending those emails to coaches and start your recruiting process. Nonetheless, if the skills are not developed enough for the video, that could hurt your chances with those colleges.
What do we offer?
Professionalism and understanding of what shots and angles college coaches look for. Deep knowledge of the game; thus, making sure you are in a good spot to make an impression with your video. Vast variety of technology with Rapsodo, Blast Motion and Pocket Radar. These are portable equipment that measures the athlete's metrics like Exit Velocity, Bat Speed, Arm Velocity, etc. These are key to the recruiting video as coaches can do a full player assessment combining the metrics from the video and live games. We also provide live games video options, where we come to the games and video all At Bats and plays on the field, edit them and add them to the recruiting video. Why are game videos important? After showing your skill set, coaches want to see you demonstrate those skills in competition. You can also provide us with recorded game videos to add, as long as they are already edited. Allow1-2 weeks turnaround time for the video to be edited. Our videos are 2-3 minutes long, as we know that is enough time for a coach to see all he wants to see out of a recruiting video.
What Should I bring?
Your baseball equipment, baseball uniform, a baseball friend in uniform also that you can play catch with and catch your throws if you are a position player or a catcher if you are a pitcher. A coach that can throw BP and/or hit ground balls. If you do not have someone who can do those things in a professional manner, we do provide the extra personnel to do those professionally. You are also responsible for the field rentals; we recommend at least two hours.
What the athlete should expect on video day?
Position Players
Strech and warm up.
Run the 60 yards - (Two times if needed)
Play catch.
Field - (Tryout Style + Extra Reps)
Hit - (Tee, Soft Toss and BP)
Strech and warm up.​
Play catch.
Our Prices
Recruiting Video (One Position) ...................................... $250
Extra Positions ............................................................ $75
BP Thrower and Fungo Personnel .............................................. $50
Extra Player or Catcher (To Play catch and catch your throws) ........ $30
Live Game Videos (One Day) .................................................. $350
Live Game Videos (Entire Weekend) ......................................... $750
Traveling 45 miles outside of zip code 32832 ........................... $150
Half of the payment due at booking (Non-refundable, outside of cancellations a day in advance of the video shooting) and second half of the payment due after the video is edited. We will send a preview video, once the balance is paid, we will send the full edited version. All video revisions are included. Do not like your performance on the video? We can re do it for $150.
*Recruiting Tips*
Broaden your college selections - D1/D2/D3/NAIA/Juco, In and Out of State.
Catchy subject lines for your emails - "32 ACT 2020 Short Stop" | "6.5 60 Runner 2019 OF"
No mass emails, address every coach individually.
Make sure those colleges have what you want to major in.
Is not all about scholarships, is about the right fit for you academically and playing time opportunities.
Go to the college camps you want to go, that is an opportunity to get noticed by them. Also, research camps with multiple colleges on site.